Reiki Energy Giveaway for the Covid-19 Pandemic!

Look below for the Reiki Giveaway!

What is Reiki?

This alternative (Japanese) healing method is a gentle laying of the hands, on the client or client’s energy field, and sending energy that is in their highest and best good. Thus, strengthening the client’s whole energy system.

  • “Rei” is Spiritual Wisdom
  • “Ki” is life energy
  • “Reiki” is spiritually guided life-force energy

It affects the whole person’s-body, emotions, mind and spirit. Everyone’s experience with Reiki is quite unique. Each session should be treated, as such, and in a sacred manner.

These powerful techniques have been practiced for thousands of years.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki is non-invasive, non-religious, and a powerful modality to any healing process. Below are just a few benefits Reiki provides:

  • Creates Deep Relaxation
  • Inner peace or Peace of Mind
  • Become Grounded and Centered
  • Helps with Chronic Pain
  • Alleviates Depression
  • Reduces Anxiety
  • Aids better Sleep
  • Promotes Harmony and Balance
  • Dissolves energy blocks
  • Increases Mental clarity
  • Lowers Stress
  • Issues with Anger
  • Enhances Memory
  • Healing on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual)
  • And the list goes on…
Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things.

Reiki energy helps clear your aura (energy field surrounding your body) it also can clears the energy in the room.

This alternate method of healing compliments all medical/therapeutic techniques to support recovery and healing.

Reiki Energy Healing and Social Distancing….

Now you know about Reiki, so let’s talk about LONG DISTANCE Reiki!

The only difference with long distance reiki is that we are in different locations. This session is just as EFFECTIVE and POWERFUL, regardless of the distance.

*** Remember these are ENERGY healing sessions. The Quantum field is not linear***

Instead of finding yourself on a massage table you will find a comfy, quiet place where you are not distracted and can FULLY RECEIVE. (ie: your bedroom, on the couch, outside in a hammock/chair, in a meditative position)

Personally, I have experienced both sides of (giving and receiving) Long distance Reiki. Both are equally as magical!

When I became attuned to Reiki energy, in 2017, I was also apart of a meditation group that helped support one another. We would do this by sending Reiki energy to one another, when needed.

During 2018, I underwent a surgery to remove scar tissue from my Fallopian tubes, due to endometriosis. (I also had 3 other surgeries (broken clavicle and my appendix). My previous surgeries traumatized my mental state about having surgery in general.)

Let’s be real, most people are not excited to go into surgery. There is a lot of anxious fear about going under. Who is your doctor? How qualified are they? What exactly happens when the scalpel goes in? Plates, screws and cameras going INTO my body? How much is it going to hurt? You get the idea.

So for that surgery, I had my teacher and 5 other woman sending me Reiki energy during my procedure. I ALSO found out after, that my Doctor was attuned to Reiki too! He had been sending this same energy on me, during the ENTIRE surgery.

It was such a GIFT!

This was 3 weeks after surgery! Keep in mind I had my stomach cut into 6x

I felt completely supported even before I walked into the doors and even MORE after it was done.

This surgery compared to my previous surgeries, my recovery time was roughly 2 WEEKS instead of 1-2 MONTHS.

The pain and discomfort was minimal and I was off my pain meds in 3 days versus 1-2 months.

The anxiety of the surgery was nil to nothing, maybe 30 minutes, compared to still thinking about what happened in my previous ones…. STILL TO THIS DAY.

I had 6 incision sites during the Reiki surgery and only 3 on the previous three surgeries combined. You understand now.

Not everyone’s Reiki story will reach this level, but it showed up at a point in my life where it was REALLY noticeable.

I feel called to share this incredible energy with others that are going through a difficult time. Whether it be an unusual thought process, dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic, or something greater.

Our world is shifting as we know it and we ALL need to feel supported as we shift too!

Click here now to enter for this limited time offer! All you need is an email address

Reiki Session Giveaway Is Simple!

I will be offering 3 Reiki Healing sessions (30 minutes each) to 3 different winners on September 31st, 2020.

It’s really easy to enter! Just provide an email address so that I can notify the 3 lucky winners at the end of the giveaway!

You can also follow me on Instagram for updates and of course SHARE this blog to anyone that may benefit or be interested!

Instagram will have different terms to enter… such as tag 3 friends and follow my account.

Tag or share with your bestie, your mom, sister, brother, or hubby! Reiki is for EVERYONE!

So don’t wait…Enter NOW, and then get filled in on the experience below!

Reiki Energy Healing Experience

Feel this wonderful energy in one session!

Beginning your session with your practitioner is very important. Be open to address desired areas, emotions, or difficulties you may be dealing with.

INTENTIONS ARE KEY and promote deeper healing when we are able to be HONEST with ourselves.

We will discuss first about areas your looking to improve or focus on. Ultimately, the energy knows where to go 🙂 I truly trust and believe in that. I am the vessel connecting to the energy and sending it to you.

There are some tips I will give to support you beyond the session and I will explain my perfect “Reiki Cocktail” to support you on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.

I recommend having a glass of water next to you and a journal. Make sure you are comfortable without DISTRACTIONS. Be in a space where you are ready to receive energy that is in your HIGHEST AND BEST GOOD.

We will schedule a time that works for your schedule where you have some time to REFLECT after your session.

If your not ready for Reiki and made it to the end of this blog post, subscribe to receive my other email offers. TheBohoYoga has something for everyone and will meet you exactly where you need to be met! We are just getting started 🙂

Until then, AHO

Sending Love, Light, and gratitude

Much thanks,

Kasey the BohoYoga Blogger

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